Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Discussion on Interpersonal Communication-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Describe your earliest memories of "learning " your culture. Do you believe that the event you recall had a significant impact on how you understand culture? Why or why not? 2.One of the cultures to which you belong is college student. Describe some aspect of the college student culture, and give specific examples of how you communicate that you are a college student. 3.Do you consider yourself monochromic or polychromic, and why? Describe a time when your monochromic or polychromic view helped or hindered something you were trying to do. 4.Describe a time in which your use of world mindedness helped to prevent or overcome a problem related to interpersonal communication with someone from another culture. 5.Think of a culture that you consider significantly different from your own. Now imagine the you have been assigned to work on a school project with a person from that culture. How would you put the principles of Communication Accommodation Theory into practice, and what would be the benefit of doing so? Answers: 1.One of my earliest memories of learning culture for me can be described when I attended a marriage ceremony of our family which was somehow different from the marriage which I use to see in my cartoon series. Later I came to know that there are varieties of cultural group which have their own different rituals of performing marriage functions. Yes, the event which I recalled did help me to understand that culture is in variety in this world and with each culture there rises their own significant difference. 2.Being a college student we live in a multicultural society and interact with as many people from different backgrounds. There we respect each people coming from different backgrounds and their views. With teachers we use formal speaking and we are well aware that for any dishonesty we would be punished. On the other hand for any good effort we would be praised. Each student has an unique identification number by which he needs to communicate to his college staff as there are many students they need to handle. For example, college id, roll number can be used to communicate that I am a student. 3.I have considered myself as a polychromic because polychromic people like to do many things at a time (Lindquist, Lane Kaufman, 2015). Similarly, I believe in building long term relations with every one whom I meet. Even balancing all things at a time I take it as a challenge to accomplish happily. I do not mind doing and completing several task at a time. Once my nature of being polychromic helped some of my sisters classmate, where I helped them to complete each of their assignment in one night. It helped them to complete and submit their different topics in the next day at school. It was wonderful helping them with different topics and my ability to handle them all at a time. 4.Once while I was standing in a queue for booking metro tickets and suddenly two old people grabbed my attention because they were continuously asking about an address to people but none were able to help them. It seemed that they were not from our place but instead from other country. Anyways I did not asked but they were speaking in Vietnamese language. I knew because I had one of my friends who used to speak Vietnamese. I had some knowledge about the specific language and then I tried helping them with the address for which they need to take the same metro for which I was waiting. 5.The communication accommodation theory is a way to help others while interaction with the process of convergence and divergence (Dragojevic, Gasiorek Giles, 2015). I consider Korean culture significantly different from my culture. I would first try to learn what language he would be able to speak and understand, if not any then I will help him to understand some of my basic language that he can understand and remember easily. Then I will use the convergence strategy and try to learn his language so that our communication works without much difficulty but will keep in mind that I do not over accommodate. This way our project will be finished and with proper understanding between both of us. This will lead to generate new idea from both the perspective and ability to understand by both of us. It will help me to learn about his culture. References Dragojevic, M., Gasiorek, J., Giles, H. (2015). Communication accommodation theory.The international encyclopedia of interpersonal communication. Lindquist, J. D., Lane, P. M., Kaufman, C. J. (2015). Polychronic Behavior: Conceptually Where are We and What are the Marketing and Consumer Behavior Implications. InProceedings of the 1991 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 27-31). Springer, Cham.

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