Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Demonstrates Of Prepared Nursing Career †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Demonstrates Of Prepared Nursing Career? Answer: Introdcation: This paper demonstrates the self reflection of how my training in the previous years has prepared me for my nursing career. It is done on the basis of 5 Rs of Reflection that includes Reporting, Responding, Relating, Reasoning, and Reconstructing. I remember an incident when I was working as registered nurse and there was a 52 year old patient who was admitted in an emergency department suffering from GBS (Guellian Barrre Syndrome) which leads to paralysis of the body due to a viral infection He was in stage 3 during that time and had developed paralysis in legs. I experienced a similar situation when I undergoing a training during nursing course. I was looking after 48 yea rs old male. He also complained that he also suffering from GBS (Guellian Barrre Syndrome) His family members had come to see him. I forgot to give him an IV injection on time as I started to have a talk with his family members. Suddenly I recalled about it and ran to provide him the injection. I was so scared that due to this mistake he would have developed paralysis in the entire body. Dealing with such patients requires patience and mental alertness as well and now I have learnt about how to handle patients and it was very difficult for me when I was a nursing students.I have learnt to be alert during my nursing practice. .Now, I have learnt to alert with patients who are on life supporting machines or are taking life saving medicaments. I have learnt to deal with very sick patients who were admitted in intensive care units and were on life supporting machines. I have g ained expertise in handling different types of patients such as children, adults, and people belonging to an old age group admitted in the emergency ward. I have also learnt the importance of time management as I forgot to provide medication to the patient admitted in the emergency ward. I have also learnt to handle the family members of the critical patients and provide proper information regarding the disease medicines to be taken and the precautions be taken after the treatment. I have learnt to be compassionate enough to listen to my patient. I have also learnt various measures that are to be taken for the safety of patients who are admitted in the intensive care units. These are the protective measures taken by the doctors and the nurses to avoid various kinds of infection, injuries or accidents (Ball et al., 2013). It is a top priority in my hospital as it leads to serious complications, slow recovery, increased length of hospitalization and also unnecessary deaths of patients . (Daly, Speedy Jackson 2017). There should be proper teams to handle and proper measures should be followed in order to ensure patient safety (Epstein Turner 2015). I have learnt to converse with the patients and their families in a proper manner and help them in their problems. I am also trained in providing them counseling in order to get well soon .I used to involve family and friends of the patient and inform them about the treatment. I have also learnt to contact a social worker and a doctor if the patient needs any sort of help especially if the patient is aggressive. In order to achieve my objective I have also undergone training sessions with my seniors and mentors to handle emergency cases such as cardiac arrest and be patient enough to handle abusive behavior of such patients. During an emergency cardiac arrest, the patient is assessed physically and the electrocardiogram is performed to monitor the activity of heart. The medicines are given by the means of intravenous method and oxygen is given through the help of tubes I was trained to deal with patients who were on life support machine that is ventilator. (Wall, Andrus Morrison 2014). Although, I have gained expertise in the field of nursing in my career, but still there are a few areas in which I need improvement in order to provide quality care to my patients. I need to improve time- management skills during dealing with patients. I need to learn more special skills to monitor the patients and provide quality care to patients. I need to improve my knowledge and learning with my mentors and senior doctors. I need to be more efficient in performing a leadership role and improve my performance level in the field of nursing. I will take guidance from my seniors about how to deal with patients suffering from intellectual disorders and those who are suffering from blindness and deafness. There are areas of improvement according to the feedback of my mentor and personal experiences with patients admitted in critical care units. (Ehde et al.,2014). References Ball, J. E., Murrells, T., Rafferty, A. M., Morrow, E., Griffiths, P. (2013). Care left undoneduring nursing shifts: associations with workload and perceived quality of carethe patient needs any sort of help especially if the patient is aggressive..Quality and Safety in Health Care, bmjqs-2012. Daly, J., Speedy, S., Jackson, D. (2017).Contexts of nursing: An introduction. Elsevier Health Sciences. Ehde, D. M., Dillworth, T. M., Turner, J. A. (2014). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals with chronic pain: Efficacy, innovations, and directions for research.American psychology,69(2), 153. Epstein, B., Turner, M. (2015). The nursing code of ethics: Its value, its history.OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing,20(2). Huber, D. (2013).Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences. Wall, P., Andrus, P., Morrison, P. (2014). Bridging the theory practice gap through clinical simulations in a nursing under-graduate degree program in Australia.International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research,8(1).

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